Saturday, February 14, 2009

Diary of Mad People


Good times when a group of us got together to run through BRD, Mcthread came along from SYNLIS Guild to lead the way. Prior to this Des dropped two alliance warriors in Stonard that were trying to wipe out our outpost!

My son walked me off the cliff into the fires and yet OVERALL in the end, it was a very good time. Again our new GUILD friend Soviet came in to assist with his back up Tanking and Heals, and another friend of his joined in with their Priest.

In the end we took the achievement and had a blast in the process! Good job guys! We struck a few frames for the diary. And it wasn't long, like any dungeon run - it was over and we were tired of the journey.

As we walked out of the dungeons, I looked down, some of the secondary quests were not complete, heading out the gates Mcthread pulled aggro and the numbers started to climb. Killed 6/10 killed 8/10 when Sally and I fell out. Mcthread cleared and wept over our bodies. I went to the grave and realize it was over -

I have 331 Xp left to level into 59 ... Crap.

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