Monday, May 12, 2008


MOUNTS, Flying and riding...

When you get more into the game you will find that at Level 30 you get your first riding mount, and this will be the mount permitted for your race. I am listing here some basic information to assist new players into better figuring out the what when and wheres.

We are the Dark Shroud, Defenders of the Horde (DOH). In this we are of the races in the Epic battles against the Alliance and their territories. All information here is for getting the first levels of your riding experience by Race on the Horde side.

The undead trainer for riding is just outside of Under City (UC) in the village of Tristfal, at the stables across from the Inn. You get your standard training here at 30, and then your Epic at 60, both mounts are available for purchase here.

The trainer for the Elf is just south and to the East of Silvermoon's front gate. Go out the front and hang a left, you will see a small tower there where you will find the trainer and a row of mounts to choose from. You get your standard training here at 30, and then your Epic at 60, both mounts are available for purchase here.

The trainer for the Orcs is into the city, and go past the bank and hang a right into the seedy sector of the area. Once in this zone you will find an entrance to the back end of the city, heading toward the Blacksmiths and Engineering area. There is a pond here for fishing as well. The central road heading deeper in will bring you to the Dog pens.You get your standard training here at 30, and then your Epic at 60, both mounts are available for purchase here.

The Troll trainer is just East of the Orc starting zone, south on the road from Ogrimarr near the ocean. If you have played this race or Orc you will remember a small Troll village and a ton of island quests, this is the zone. The trainer is just south of the village standing there with his selection of mounts. You get your standard training here at 30, and then your Epic at 60, both mounts are available for purchase here.

Just south of thunder bluff the Taurren capital city in the cliffs and crags, is a small starter village partially walled in from the outside world. Cross the bridge and head into the village and you will find a central training area. In here is the mounts you seek. You get your standard training here at 30, and then your Epic at 60, both mounts are available for purchase here.

In the Auction House (AH) you can find a number of devices to boost your movement rates on your mounts. A number of them have level limits, however any added attachments to your gear or otherwise apply to all your mounts while riding. Some examples are Mithril Spurs, or there are also enchantments, and there is the rare and expensive riding crop that's only good until level 70. You can find a number of ways to increase your riding through others that may even make items to gain you these bonuses.

Ok, there is something to be cleared up here. When you hit your levels you can get a flying mount (You need to have Burning Crusade) that is good only in Outland. You need this starter Mount training in order to get the Epic flying skill later for in Northrend, and later your faster Epic. Engineers and Tailors can build special ground and or flying mounts.

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