Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Nabolshia Dark Lotus

In January of 2007, I had started looking for an MMO with Questing and a GRIND where I wasn't going to go broke paying for service. And in this I found Runescape....

RUNESCAPE: January 2007, The Severed Hands Guild (SVHG)
I started the game very displaced as I had never played an MMO before, having been a strategy war gamer (Stronghold, Medieval Total War, Command and conquer, etc) and the entire aspect didn't seem to mesh very easily.
Everywhere I turned there were higher level players being mean and luring unsuspecting people to their deaths and robbing them in PVP and the like. At level 20 I exclaimed to a few Mentors that I was going to put an end to this and that I was going to create a Guild to protect the weak and nurture them into valuable members of our community. They laughed.
By level 30 my Guild the SVHG was over 100 strong. The concept that one small group could change the face of a world came true and more and more people joined. Our numbers grew and I used the website to promote our activities and rules of engagement. Until I became a popular name and a target to game crashing players who couldn't play fair with others. Through this my talk about the website got me muted in 2008, and I then left the Guild in my commanders hands, not to return except to inform them of my new medium of justice. The SVHG is now over 600 strong, and needs to use 6-7 leaders Guild chats to orginize events and gather for meetings in Varrock Castle. Both paid runescape members and Free accounts, all levels and classes working together as one. Long live the SVHG!
(Runescape can be found at )
Around tax time and searching several games for a nice environment to move to including Age of Rohan Blood feud, and Mabinogi which affiliate Blogs can be found on related links on any of my Blog pages, I encountered Entropia....
The Entropian Universe provided the SVHG a new platform where a real money economy could be formed and made. The project continues with the same basis of the SVHG of being a helper society, but in the far distant future. Plans are on the table to Build the SVHG CORP city of "Prime" and the plans of its construction can not be released at this time for fear of copyright, the SVHG CORP continues its helper mentality on the planet Calypso, with a society of over 70 members to date. Projects have been postponed and visitors have decreased during this down time, but the plans are still in the making and will require a $200,000 USD investment.
Lock and load! Make way for the CORP!
(Entropia can be found at )
Now enter all my experience from organizing and maintaining these other society's and projects, and I bring to the table the Dark Shroud and the Alliances Dark Raven. The future holds many things, and one is the total control of the lands of Azeroth. The Dark Shroud is made in the same image of the original SVHG, and plans to unite other Guilds with our own through the Defenders of the Horde (DOH) program, leaves the realm open to new changes, as the Dark Shrouds name grows and echoes across many servers and worlds with our policy.
For the Horde! For the Dark Shroud!
( World of Warcraft can be found at: )
I bring justice, fairness, kindness and ruthlessness to our enemies! I am the Founder, the Master and a friend. If you do not stand by my side then I can only assume that you are standing against me, and those that stand against a great mind can not win with any amount of power. Our freedoms will reign supreme and our name will echo in the halls of kings everywhere~
Nabolshia Dark Lotus

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