:The Way:
The Way, is the path you follow to become a member of the Dark Shroud or the other loyalist Guilds in our employment. You follow a strict regimen, that follows in the coming "Book of Arcanum" that will be found here ( Book of Arcanum - to be added -).
In this "Book" will be the breakdown of ranks and training in the Severed Hand and the expectations of those one day wanting to become officers or new recruits to the Dark Shroud. This in itself is the Way. More on the Dark Shroud and the Severed Hand on the following links (Dark Shroud), (Severed Hand). Read on, all Officers are to know the Way.
Our higher level guilds work together with leaders of the Severed Hand on a regular basis, many of the High ranking in the Dark Shroud are high ranking officers in other guilds that sponsor
As a low level you join the Severed Hand Guild, from there you learn the art of Questing and how to spec your character for the future. You are in the Severed Hand, but you are being trained by the Dark Shroud, Carnival of Carnage, and the Hands of Fate.
The training you gain in learning how to better your game experience, items and ability to know your powers and use them while working in a Team of people known as a RAID or PARTY. You will be taught Questing, professions, the Merchanting to better yourself, PVP, How to bonus your GEAR. You will eventually learn how to Defend Horde areas with an Iron Fist.
Once you reach level 50 you have the choice to Join one of the MOTHER guilds to the Severed Hand, See a list and links here (Click for List) , or to become a Leading Officer in the Severed Hand; where you will help newcomers and teach them "The Way".
You will grow into a well rounded team player that knows how to pass their knowledge onto others. An officer of the Dark Shroud, founders of the Severed Hand Guild. Once in Officer status in the Severed Hand or your graduation into one of the main guilds at level 50, you then will begin to partake more in the higher level fun.
Running RAIDS on Dungeons and into alliance PVP territory, running BG's and getting better gear and LOOT to finance your future. In the 70's running HEROIC dungeons, and helping to Defend Winter Grasp from the Alliance in cold war zone combat.
At 80 you become High councilor of the Dark Shroud. One of many 80's on the High Council. Position hard earned at the top of two guilds and allied to many more in the global arena. The Dark Shroud gains its power through loyalties provided by other guilds. The Dark Shroud is the leadership guild of Defenders of the Horde (DOH). A group of members from many guilds that fight together against a common enemy - The Alliance.
Learning to be a TEAM PLAYER and help out your fellow Guildies. As you gain Level you are then ranked into titles, allowing you to then become the teacher of our ways. Our goal is to get GEAR, get Experience (XP), collect PVP rewards, run Quests, LOOT instances and Power Level, and DEFEND Horde Cities from attacks and Form Raid parties larger than the likes anyone has seen before...
It is the end goal of the DOH to camp entire cities of the Alliance for days. Teleporting backup troops into the zone by the hour and days. Killing any that attempt to defend, killing their bankers and quest givers, letting nothing live.
Imagine four Level 80 Raid Groups working together to hold and slaughter Alliance cities for days at a time, as Warlocks summon new people in on the Hour keeping our troops refreshed.
Four RAID groups of level 75-80. One group on the King or leader, one group in the main village, one group near the main entrance and another to patrol through the zones as needed. Total Alliance city control. Bring your video camera.
But this end will be a new beginning for MMO gamers everywhere.
A Guinness World Record will be set, be part of the Dream. (See Loyalist Raid Masters).
Become part of the Dream, welcome to the Severed Hand~
- Level at your OWN pace.
- Learn how to use PROPER game Add-on Tools from Wow Matrix.
- Master Questing, and learn how to Maximize your Quest Time. Wow-Wiki.
- Run Instances in SAME level groups to learn how PARTY combat works.
- Get run through instances by HIGH level players for fast XP and LOOT.
- Learn PVP (Player vs. Player) Battlegrounds (BG). BG dummy Guide, SH PvP Guide.
- Learn the best way to use your Professions. WOW Proff Guide.
- Learn to Merchant your LOOT and crafted items.
- Participate in Guild Bank sharing of Materials and gear. Guild banking, Merchant Laws.
- Free armor repairs until ranked Officer.
- Instant ranking to Warlord rank in the Dark Shroud for Death knights. Shroud Warlords.
- Partake in DOH, BG, HEROICS and RAIDS.
- Run NAXX 25 man runs, learn the lands, Azeroth, Outland and Northrend.
- Shape the future of WoW.
Ranks and Titles - Click Here
Officer Shifts - Click Here
Nabolshia Dark Lotus
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