Friday, August 14, 2009

Who we are

We are a secret order of of all races that have allied behind the back of our people and to ensure that the riches of what lies beyond the Dark portal is ours.

We fight the alliance scum that may be in the conspiracy to close the Dark portal forever. As our own people that try to fight the Dark Powers that hold this glorious gate open.

They are our enemy. Those that do not stand beside us in combat to defend our Horde Cities from attacks, or those that come to our Battle Field's unprepared can only be assumed to be in legion with the enemy. They all must die and be labeled and persecuted.

A secret few, the Dark raven, and Dark Shroud and the Severed hand have leaders in a group of Shrouded Masters, that work daily to keep the Portal open, and its riches ours. Soon all the Lands, through subversion and our Dark Arts will bend to the will of the Dark Shroud and its allegiances.

See the cloaked and robed figures working their Dark chants and powers over the strange and unknown, that is us, the Dark Shroud. Our Voodoo and charms hold the guardians of the Dark portal from rings of control. We are immortalized on the gates of the very Portal we help stay open.

It is this group that sees all as it unfolds. They are known as One.

One keeps the society going and new members joining the Epic battle to keep the Portal open and under our control. One teaches us the way, and forms groups against our enemies. One talks to the Dark Powers through meetings and making plans that will unfold our destinies.

Keepers of the Dark Portal, the Cloaked Ones. The Dark Shroud.

Nabolshia Dark Lotus
Founder of the Severed Hand, Keepers of the People
Founder of the Dark Shroud, Protectors of the Portal

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