Sunday, December 21, 2008

Guild Banking

The Guild Bank is built in three tiers at the moment:
When getting a tabard take from the highest bank you can access.

Common Bank Now know as the low level bank up to lvl 20-
This bank is for all levels, and all the things throw into this bank is for anyone in the GUILD to use. Do not feel obligated to donate because you took items- don't concern yourself about it. All items in here should be:

Common lvl items (Greens)
Low lvl Mats (Materials= cooking meats/cloth)
Foods under 800 hps
Drinks under 600 Mps

All levels are encouraged to keep the bank organized as possible. If the bank gets crowded, officers will clean the bank out and liquidate the items that have sat unused and deposit the proceeds into the GUILD coffers. Do NOT use the Guild bank as storage, whatever is placed in here is/will be used taken and or sold by others that need it.

All members are also encouraged to deposit items into this bank that they think someone else may find useful. Use your insight when possible and be sure to follow the bank TAB rules listed here to keep our assets safe. The BANK access security is not in place to make you limited, it is to make a scammer limited and cause them to leave us alone. This has already worked.

Tabards are also in this section, if they have run out inform an officer and they can transfer some down from the stockpile in the officers or elite BANK for you. Don't be afraid to ask- we are here to help one another.

Officers Bank- now known as the Midranged bank holding items up to lvl 40
Accessed by officers only, and this bank should contain ALL BINDING items. Greens on up. Stockpiles of Tabards are kept here and also bags and the like. Gems and stones of value are kept here. All items in this bank can be used by ANY member of the GUILD to a certain rank, if you can see the item in the bank you can take it- if you can't take it and you want it, again let an officer know and they will gladly get it out for you. (The best method for the officer to do this; is to simply transfer the item into the common bank and they can grab the item wherever they are and the officer does not get a daily item removal penalty.) Again this is set up like this not to limit you, but to prevent potential scammers moving through our ranks. Don't ask for an item just to drain its enchantments, or to sell it. If you really need something that bad talk to one of us and we will see what we can do for you.

Elite Bank-now known as the high level bank holding items for lvl 41+
Same rules apply to this bank. If you can see it and want an item and can't get it - JUST ASK. We are not horde of the GUILD - we are the HORDE and want you to be the same. This bank should have higher ranking items, things the standard user cant even put on them. Backup storage's again on Tabards and other equipment as well. If it doesn't fit in the Officer bank - then it comes into this one. And this also serves as a third tier backup on other common items - bags and Tabards etc.

There is also a Merchant rank now that has only special unlimited bank access, this rank is set one rank above the highest ranking officer as to prevent someone from accessing everything in the case their account gets hacked. This rank is only for special persons that have been assigned to clean the guild bank or do another bank function. It is temporary and I will rank you back to normal once done.

At the bottom of each bank tab is an information button, you can click on this and read up on what other members need or want. You can also tell a Guild Master and they can add your information to that for you as well.

Common Bank - Common GREEN items and stuff for up to lvl 20

Officers Bank - Common GREEN items and stuff for up to level 40

Elite Bank - Common GREENS and Blues and other higher ranking stuff until we can afford another bank slot. This is lvl 41 and up~


KEEP THE BANK ORGINIZED PLEASE! We need to come up with 1000 gold for another bank slot! ALL TABARDS will be in access on each bank level to some degree, Officers should try to stay up on if the TABARDS are running low in the Common bank and replenish them from the others when needed. Higher ranked new members should take a TABARD from the highest bank that they can to save the common bank ones for beginners.

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