Ok Hello everyone!
Consider this a book of the LAW. This is to simplify some of the features that we have access to in the GUILD and make this a smooth and fun playing experience.
WHO WE ARE and what we are about:
We are a HELPER guild first and foremost. helping one another leveling and on information. Letting one another know you are there to assist if they need it. And helping people learn the ins and outs of the game. It is the responsibility of Officers to keep the Guild channels clean, meaning keeping the language to a dull roar on profanity and the like. Swearing is ok, talking in detail about various topics that are distasteful is not.
Secondly we are aiming for the End Game. Meaning the defeat of the entire game itself. There is no hurry and if you are around long enough you will realize we have many alternate characters, and spend alot of our time helping as well as power leveling. Do not put others down for their level, we all do things at our own pace. But know that leveling will get you into higher level runs and raiding and the like which is a much more fast paced game then just questing.
Third we are Defenders of the Horde! We defend horde cities from attack and do so with the help of other guilds as well. If you would like to be ranked into the Defenders rank of WARLORD, know that you must hit level 70 and know that the Warlord rank has limited functions over the guild itself. On top of this they are sworn protectors of the Horde and must answer the call to defend when they are available and it is needed. Example they can recruit but can not rank people, this is the way of their power- they are Defenders not bureaucrats.
Almost anyone that can recruit people can also make a note in the Public note section of the Guild name listing on the members page. Please put in there information on who recruited them and after I update this information into the Officer notes you can put what that characters skills are mainly, no one has access to the officers notes except me so that I can tag the account with "DO NOT DEMOTE" if they have talked to me about being away. If their Officer note says this do not demote them for the 1 month not logged in penalty.
A good example would be Mining/ herbalism - if thats what they do. If you only have access to public note you'd write (Your game name) recruited (their name). This will keep the confusion down on who is who and who can do what.
A rank increase is aloted when a player hits level 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 respectively or for acts of loyalty to the Guild, helping others and doing good deeds such as getting players materials (MATS) they need etc. Other rankings are done by behavior and are awarded by an officer noting a players ability to be a good leader and helper to the GUILD. Alternate characters should join the Sister Guild - the Severed Hand until they reach level 50, at which point they can enter the Dark shroud. If it is a persons main character or they are new to the guild and a FRIEND of an active member, they can be added to Dark Shroud, people we do not know personally HAVE to start in the starter Guild, the Severed Hand.
Below are the powers of the Officers and Ranks:
The Officer channel should be used by officers in the time of meetings and the like, discouraging the orders of a fellow officer is not conductive to our command structure and it is frowned upon. You talk on the officer channel by typing "/o" before the words and only other officers can see this. Officer Chat can be seen by the rank of Comanda and upward.
ACTUAL RANKINGS: (Basically 1 rank per 10 levels)
Welcome to the Dark Shroud!
Watch what you say in the Guild Chat, people in the guild have the power to demote you and also report your behavior to me. In doing so there will be an investigation. During this you can be demoted to Court Marshal until its figured out what happened. Do not rank people out of Court Marshal, this is my job and mine alone - if you have not logged in for more than 30 days you can also be court marshaled and this can be changed, simply explain this to me and I will rank you back up. Below under Demerits you will see reasons you can be demoted.
RANKS by Order:
Recruit: Is entry level, from level 1 - 9
You use your time leveling, running quests and inviting others you run with your level to the guild, be sure to report new recruits to a higher level officer so they can note the new players account as needed.
This is a place you do not want to be if you are a higher level. You get demoted back to here if you have not logged time on your character in over a Month. Once in this status you loose all achieved levels and powers. You can be ranked back up by requesting it from an officer. You will be ranked by level only. If you know you are going to be away from the guild for awhile, let the Founder know on in game mail - mail it to Nabolshia, and explain that you'll be absent, and he can flag your account so it does not loose ranks while you are gone.
Underling: Is a Corporal, this is for those that have hit level 10 - 19
You are now a player the lower levels are looking up to for help. Help with runs and instances when you can. You could get an early promotion if you are noticed by an Officer doing duties above and beyond what is expected of you. At 30 you will get your riding mount and a promotion is not far behind.
Riven: Are Sergeants level 20-29
You oversee the lower levels and have the power to rank them. It is the start of having true ranking powers and this is the start. Know the rules for players under your level. Language and them playing in teams and the like. You are the first watcher of levels below you and this is a good place to learn your powers. You have the power to promote others up to the rank just below you when they hit the required levels.
Sithin: Are Leutenant Level 30-39
Scourge: Are Captains level 40-49
Minion: This is a Hero Rank for levels 50-70 -
Warlord: Are Generals, which are Death Knights Level 55+ all others at Level 70
High Councilor: Those in the Core of the Guilds Foundation can be of various levels, however, for a player to achieve this status they must reach level 80 within the Guild for a minimum of 10 levels made while a member. This is the highest rank there is and no one has the amount of power and responsibility of this rank other than the Founder. It is your JOB to monitor and police the guild chat, help organize runs for all levels in need, rank and demote according to the guild rules.
Masters: These are the chosen few with specialized skills and knowledge that they can share with those that need the information. They are the most revered in the Guild as they have worked long and hard to MASTER certain professions and skills after they achieved maximum level in game. They spend most of their time running high level runs to attain gear to better the end game. They PVP, they are ones to look toward for answers, and if they don't have them, they know where to go to get em. Masters are exactly that, overachievers.
Daubler: The guild merchant rank can only be assigned by the Founder, and is only awarded to players on an alternate character that have a ranking Guild player at the rank of High councilor. It is their job to keep the guild bank clean and ship materials to those that need or request them.
This is me of course, Nabolshia Dark lotus
Founder of "The Severed Hands Guild" (SVHG) in Runescape over 600 players strong
Founder of the SVHG CORP Society in Entropia over 100 Strong
Founder of the Dark Shroud (Horde)
And Defenders of the Horde (DOH)
And the Dark Raven (Alliance), spies for the Shroud!
Nabolshia Dark Lotus is OVERSEER, and founder of The Dark Shroud!
Founder of the Severed Hands Guild (SVHG)
Founder of the Dark Raven Alliance spy network~
This is applied when a member of the Guild is out of control either through language or behavior. Some of the conditions would be as follows but is not limited to:
1) Disrespect of other players, in or out of Guild chat
2) Abandoning Party without notification (does not include DC from internet)
3) Cheating, stealing, using Guild bank items for personal gains. (i.e. Disenchanting items without permission from the Overlord of the Guild (Me)
4) Excessive disruptiveness after being warned~
5) Talking about real life Race, religion or polotics in guild chat, people have diffrent veiws and they don't need to be discussed in my Guild. As far as real life goes I think everyone sucks, so don't talk about it in guild. (BTW I don't really think that but hey, who cares.)
6) Misrepresenting our Guild to others, in or out of the Guild.
Again this is a basic structure, Ranks can be increased through a 3 Officer vote to increase rank, which is Comanda or above, or you can be Ranked on merit to the GUILD by the Overseer.
When you have leveled up don't hesitate to tell an Officer and they can rank you up another level as required. Don't hesitate to talk with officers they are there to HELP you in any way they can. And know that if they are in the middle of something, they will get to you as soon as they can. We can not expect a player to stop an INSTANCE to come and save our hide.
Things to do-
Help others as much as possible, team and group on instance runs and quests in groups as much as you can. The idea is to level evenly with your comrades, don't hesitate to invite outsiders into the guild, be sure they seem to be rounded and helpful before doing so please.
Deposit green items into the bank and money on occasion would be nice.
Use the free GUILD tabard, get one in the bank and take from the highest bank you can access.
Craft trading, don't hesitate to trade craft goods etc between other members of the GUILD and share your skills with others as much as possible. It is expected for a crafted item you personally want, you should supply the MATS for it (materials)
Things not to do-
Fuss about ranks, or other silly things in relation to the game and the guild. Do not take more than what you are going to use in the bank.
Do not take items out of the Bank to drain the powers from them for your enchanting! Ask people for items and perhaps we can work something out, we are willing to help and anchanter and we don't have one at this time.
Do not rank people past the rank of SEER, without a 3 officer vote, or an appeal to the Overlord, violation of this can cause you to become demoted.
Things to Expect-
We should all be helpful and supportive of one another! We can help you get your first mount at lvl 30 as long as you are donating green items to the bank and helping generate income to the GUILD, if we have the money we will help you.
Expect that we will help you with getting your FIRST mount if the funds are available, be sure you are contributing as much as possible to the GUILD for this to be offered. If the GUILD does not have the money then you can ask others to see if they are wiling to loan you the money and you can work out arrangements with them. I take green items and sell them for the diffrence.
The eventual building of a PVP guild branch on a diffrent server (eventually)
The more active group of Dwarven spies Guild (Dark raven) on our server, read more about them in Dark Raven.
Things not to Expect-
Don't expect help ALL the time. It is good leveling to solo a lot of stuff, but if there is someone your basic level on don't hesitate to ask if they want to team quest.
The meaning of OFFICER -
Helper and Support! When at all possible all officers should rotate assistance to the lower levels, this means helping on instance runs and the like, or saving them when they have gotten into an area they can't get out of. All in the name of duty and honor.
The Reasoning behind the madness -
We want to have fun and help one another in doing that. Create a strong sense of GUILD community which is lacking in the WoW enviroment unfortunatly, live long play and kill hard and mostly have alot of fun with good people.
Monday, December 22, 2008
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