Below is a list of the longer older way of installing WOW AddOns using the method and manual installing. You can make your life easier by using WowMarix which was recently posted (Click Here) or using the simular Curse Client, that is kinda the same as WOWMATRIX.
AddOns can make or break your WOW experience! You will need a few things, WINRAR or WINZIP is a start. The Video instructions are below, ask me if they miss anything. The AddOns you want the most and the reasons are listed below-
Omen III - for mages to detect aggro
Cartographer - For Dungeon maps, and searches on WoW insiders
Quest Helper - For tracking your quests destinations
Auctionator - For finding better sales and bargains in the Auction house (AH)
Win RAR Installation:
Installing Add Ons in VISTA:
Installing Add Ons:
INSTALLATION IN BASIC: (Have WinRAR or WinZip installed) Make a "My WOW downloads" folder on the desktop, then go to and pick your choice. Click save, and save it to the "My WOW downloads" file on the desktop. Once completed, click OPEN, and the WinZip or WinRAR should open Automatically~ Don't click the folder, simply click EXTRACT TO- and find your Wow folder, which on most machines is c:/programs/WoW/Interface/AddOns and your done. In some cases you may need to create an AddOn folder if you haven't provoked it to be made in game by using the BARBER or other extras. Generally you have done something WoW has added, and the folder should be easily found in the Interface folder.
Well I had to figure these out on my own for the most part. I'll try my best as I use them kind of through instinct at this point. First off if you have multiple toons, this will apply to your entire account and they will be set on every toon you have.
When you get to the character selection screen you can click the ADDONS button in the bottom left of the screen to turn them on or off. You want to make sure that they are all up to date, if they are not find the AddOn in C:/programs/WoW/Interface/AddOns (or D:/ if thats where your file is saved) and find the folder(s) in question and delete them, then reinstall the latest version into your file from .
Instructions on installations are listed above, if you did not use WINRAR or WINZIP, then you did not install them correctly and they will not work. All of Curses downloads are in a .RAR format, and need to be "UNPACKED" into the addons folder to work. Otherwise you'll simply have a .RAR file in there the game will not read.
This will show your name and the names of those you are teamed with when in battle, the bars indicate how much aggro is being pulled and who's pulling it. This is a MUST for spell casters when in groups and in higher INSTANCES and 10 man RAIDS, most teams won't even allow a spell caster into their group that does not have it. The idea is that you don't want your AGGRO to go above the tanks and wing men, when your bar is climbing toward theirs "PULL" your DPS to avoid drawing them down onto you and making you DIE.
You can move it by clicking and holding the left mouse button and move it around on your screen to where it is comfortable. Mine is just above my text chat box on the left. You can then right click it and "LOCK" it into place so you don't accidentally grab it in combat - and also on a right click you can change settings and so forth (i.e. on only in party, or in combat etc).
Use this for Dungeon maps, and details on the in game world, check details on transportation spot to and from different continents. On your Mini map you can also see major cities and special locations with DOT markers for these places. These locations also show on your main map, and the tool is a great overall source of in game information. I am still figuring it out completely, but you can easily access the settings for this to turn features on and off in game. There should be a small symbol on the outside of your mini map that will let you click to open it and give you access to all your settings and also advanced controls for your world map as well.
Has three major features:
A)Map directionals show you detailed information on where you need to go to get the BOSS or drop items for a quest which are represented by colored scary faces, and small colored cubes, or a strange circle with a crown on it.
FACES- Bosses or mini bosses that need to be killed
CUBES- Item quests, where you have to collect a gazillion drop items
CROWN CIRCLE- A long chain quest that leads into different level encounters, and vital to your game play and the time lines etc in the game world for what can be "UNLOCKED"
B) Question marks of several colors. They are two colors, Yellow (not available to turn in yet) and Blue (completed)
If you point your cursor over any of the above on the main map or the mini map, it will tell you what it is, and in the bottom right are two sets of numbers. The top one is how much of the quest is completed, and the second number is how long you have been on the quest.
On the map there will be black dotted lines running from one mission and quest to another, this is trying to calculate the most efficient method of knocking out tons of quests in little amount of time lost traveling. Which brings us to the next segment of the QUEST HELPER~
You will have a list of quests appear on the screen in text. They have the names of quests and under them it tells you what you need to complete them and how many more items you need to finish it off. They are color coded by difficulty:
GREY: Little Xp and low level to you . DIFFICULTY: 0 - BORED
GREEN: You will get moderate XP from these. DIFFICULTY: 4 - LAUGHTER
YELLOW: Higher XP and better rewards DIFFICULTY: 6 - WOUNDED
RED: Incredible Xp and rewards, dangerous. DIFFICULTY:10+ DEATH
Now besides this, you can move it around. To the top right hand corner of the text you will see a tiny grey box, click and hold and you cn drag it to wherever you want. Mine is located just below the mini map and just above my damage report text. You can also right click this I believe and LOCK this in place as well. If not you have to click that really tiny grey box to move it and I don't generally have too much problem with it.
You can right click on a quest in the list and it will AUTO open your QUESTS window. Right click again and it will close. Awesome tool!
Now you can control whats in the window. How did it select whats in there already by default? You ask? Well those are the quests that are closest to you and whats the most efficient to complete in your general area. But we can also CONTROL this!
Open your quest menu, and find the quests you WANT to do, and HOLD down the SHIFT key and click on the quest. It will now have a CHECK mark next to it. And it will now be at the top of your Quest text as well. You can right click and even set a PRIORITY on it, various levels - High to Low. Excellent, you now know how to use that, but this tool isn't done yet.
With this fun addition to the Quest tracker you get a directional arrow that not only point directions toward you primary (closest) quest target - (including your corpse when dead), but it changes color from hot to cold to dead on and gives you a reading in yards to your target.
As with the others, you can click and drag this by grabbing in a hold and drag fashion right above the directional arrow, and LOCK it into place with a right click menu! Another awesome tool!
If your friend also has QUEST helper installed, when you party in group with them, you can see all their quests on your tracking map too. And can easily see how close you are and if you have similar quests to run! Great to share the burden huh?
AUCTIONATOR - (And Friends)
Take your 10 silver item and make GOLD! I did with Auctionator! I took making barely 5-8 gold a day into making minimum of 50 gold a day with this tool. I only use the basics of its potential and I'll add more as I learn - but here's the main poop on this fun tool!
Doesn't matter if they are materials or chunks of armor or scrolls! Open the AH and click on the Auctionator button. Then simply click and drag your item into the sales box and you'll see the latest going prices on everything! And you can set in the settings on how much to underbid people, you can see the prices of live auctions and underbid them or even see someone has underbid the standard prices and then click buy - find it and buy the under priced items, collect them from the mail and come back and post them the correct amount and make a profit.
If you add BEAN COUNTER: You can at anytime hover your mouse over and item and see the latest sales and trades on it, what skills and professions use the item. What kind of MATS you'll get out of it with disenchants etc! Awesome!
If your looking for cheap materials, simply take one of them and place them in the AUCTIONATOR sale window and pull up what everyone is selling for. Then click on the BID option and find the cheap ones and buy em out. You can search for cheap items this way and re post them or whatever you wish! Have fun and happy profits to us all!
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