Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Guild Help

Help from higher Levels:

Let it be known, every member of the Dark Shroud and the Severed hand are expected to be of the up most quality as far as Teamwork and Independence goes.

It is expected that at very low levels that the Higher level Officers can and WILL assist you when they are available to do so.

It is YOUR responsibility right from level 1 to follow and understand the listed responsibilities of being in our GUILDS. To not be able to accept and understand these terms, you are inviting DISAPPOINTMENT for yourself and frustration on behalf of the Officers that can help you become a stronger player and a better asset to the GUILD.

Forming Party's (For Raids, Quests or Instances):
It is expected upon joining our GUILDS, that you are able to talk with others your level, in and out of our Guild to set up Quest runs and instances on a SAME level basis. You will get the most experience in both stats and combat training from doing this. As you will not be standing back and just looting and not being part of making the RUN a success.

You will better know your role in running with a team in and out of instances and quests, making a more valuable asset to the Guild and your friends. Allowing you to better understand your powers and character class to better aid those in the group. As in all things in life, we learn from failure, and it is this failure that allows us to overcome obstacles and become a champion among the flock.

Respect of Others:
Hopefully you make friends in the GUILD and keep that friendship through understanding and a willingness to allow others to also achieve what they must in order for their advancement as well. Even though Officers and higher level players are EXPECTED to assist the lower levels to help them get to the "End Game", this should not be EXPECTED at the drop of a hat. Don't take it personally that someone is "Occupied" or doesn't have the time to run you around a dungeon.

You may THINK, "wow, this guy never helps me". Try to place yourself in their shoes, it is very likely they have been helping another low level for several hours and have finally gotten to do something for themselves that they wanted to do. You don't know what another player has already done in a given day for someone else.

Don't expect that others are RESPONSIBLE to run you through instances and quests all the time. High levels have their own HELL that they have to go through to advance. Being 80 for example is not the end game. Most of their gear is trash and they can't even run Heroic runs to get good gear until they have done a TON of PVP and other BS to even get the gear enough to enter Heroics and die over and over again paying high repair costs of up to 150 gold to repair and still likely not win the instance. The battle has just begun, and with determination you will one day know this, when your 80 and can't seem to find enough time or people your level to help you advance.


You are expected to take runs when they are offered. It is your JOB to speak up when someone is announcing a run your level and asking for more people. It is your JOB to look and form groups of your own if others in the GUILD are busy playing their character to better themselves.

You are expected to FORM your own RAIDS and Instance runs, team for quests and the like. It is YOUR job to invite people to the GUILD that are on your time of day, so you have more people your level to run with. This is YOUR responsibility.

This guild was formed by me inviting people along the way that were good players and inviting them to the guild so that I had people in game when I was LOGGED on. Or when I Picked up players by SPAMMING for hours to MAKE groups so I could run dungeons.

When I found good players that were self sufficient and helpful and nice I invited them to the Guild. Those that didn't join us are STILL Loyalists to our Guild and still run with us on many levels. But I NEVER expect them to DROP everything they are doing to come help me.

Your Job:

It is your Job to do all these things and to one day become an officer. Yes the DOH are expected to assist towns of the Horde that are under attack, yes our players are expected to help others. But this is not the crutch of people that should be doing the same thing for others and I do not expect you to drop what you are doing to come help me. That is not fair.

If you need someone to RUN you through everything and you can't GET the HELP you NEED, then maybe you should rethink why your playing- getting help on OCCASION to get a few fast levels, a recipe or some loot is perfect. But expecting and blaming others you are behind when you DON'T log into the game or you DON'T Pull your own party and raid groups or quest teams to level yourself and learn your character class better - maybe you should go back to Runescape, 8-9 year olds play that game and they never help one another, maybe then you'd appreciate the time that higher levels take out of THEIR advancement, to come and help you.

Unknown Facts:

The game is NOT over at 80, you need PVP gear to fight heroics, you need Heroic Gear to Run Naxx and other 5-10 man dungeons to get better gear, recipes and money.

At 80 one failed dungeon run with poor armor can cost a player 50-150 gold on repairs, and even at your low levels 150 gold is alot and hard to make which is WHY 80's may claim to be farming.

Finding the right geared people to RUN 80 run's so that you ACTUALLY finish one of these dungeons, is hard to find, even our best geared players die multiple times in Heroic.

80's get nothing from running lower levels through low level dungeons. They do it to be nice and HELP you get to where they are - remember good 80's are hard to find.

Bitching and complaining to 80's about your inability or their unwillingness to drop everything to come help you only drives them away. Which hurts you in the Short run as they won't be there to help anymore, and in the long run as when your 80, you'll be looking around asking where are all the good 80's at? You drove them off.

Before you bitch, think of what they may have already done for someone else wanting help before you logged in, they may have spent 2-4 hours of their skilling time helping someone else already. They are likely only working on themselves after a long period of donating time to another person in the guild, that may not even be logged in any longer. Don't take it personally if they don't drop everything to help you, there's likely a reason.

There is not a person in the GUILD of any level that has not attempted to assist and help the ones that need it. All same levels help one another as do the high levels help the low levels. For anyone to single someone out makes me wonder, what are you doing for others? What do you do for yourself? Officers are there to help, not carry you across the battlefield.

I leveled an impossible cloth wearing mage on my own or by joining or making groups, I expect nothing less from every member of this guild all the way down to our level 1's.

Anyone that leaves the Guild on these conditions, without discussion of these terms ESPECIALLY over someone elses ASSUMED behavior, (or you can't seem to live by these IMPOSSIBLE expectations), will NOT be invited back into the GUILD. No exceptions.
See Leaving the Guild.

Nabolshia Dark Lotus

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